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Retirement preparation is about planning and adhering to the plan, which includes both saving and investing. Many plan from the start to live on withdrawing 4% of their investable assets per year in retirement, which fluctuates as time goes on, according to the value of their account. This relatively small withdrawal rate can help insulate them from market declines because they know that amount Continue reading >>
Most investors are buying based on past performance thinking that the future will replicate the past. Take for example, cryptocurrency: Bitcoin wasn’t very appealing to the masses at $1 in recent years, but when it started trading in the 5,000 -10,000 range it attracted many new entrants. The new entrants are most likely buying because they think the future will mimic the past. The Continue reading >>
Having an investment plan that you can stick with—through thick or thin—is very important. If you start to jump in and out, chasing recent performance, then your returns will suffer. Volatility (price fluctuations), both up and down, are normal and inevitable. The challenge is to be able to live with the plan through good times and bad. Once you have a plan in place, Continue reading >>